PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

XImage FromGdiPlusImage
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Author:  dcowan [ Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:16 am ]
Post subject:  XImage FromGdiPlusImage

I'm evaluating PDFsharp as a replacement to our usage of Crystal Reports as the latter is simply too buggy and bloated.
So far things are looking VERY good! I have some System.Drawing.Bitmap objects in my C# application that I'm converting to XImage objects and placing on a PdfPage object. This is working well. I'm using the following code to do the conversion:
BitmapSource bitmapSource = Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
System.IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty,

XImage newImage = XImage.FromBitmapSource(bitmapSource);

However looking at the help, documentation, and source code to PDFsharp I think I should be able to do this simply like this:
XImage newImage = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(myBitmap as Image);

The problem is FromGdiPlusImage does not appear as an available method for XImage. This is puzzling as I see it in the source code and the options GDI;UseGdiObjects are in fact defined in the solution when I build the resultant PdfSharp.dll which I'm referencing from my application.

I'm certainly doing something wrong?


Author:  dcowan [ Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Resolved: XImage FromGdiPlusImage

This issue has been resolved.

I knew it would be something stupid I was doing.
The reference in my project was using the WPF version of the PDFsharp DLL instead of the GDI version.
Making the change fixed the problem.
At least I now know how to accomplish the same under either version now.


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