PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Using PDFSharp with VB.NET 2010
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Author:  Runescope [ Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Using PDFSharp with VB.NET 2010

I'm a new user of VB.NET 2010 (Slowly and painfully migrating from VB6).

Can someone explain to me (like I'm a 5 year old) how I get this installed and working? All the VB examples are for VB.NET 2008 and they won't convert and work for 2010.

Thanks in Advance!

Author:  peterh [ Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using PDFSharp with VB.NET 2010

Ha, my grandson is 5 years old. While he's way too analytically gifted for his own good, I don't think I coulld explain this to him. ;)

Gonna give it a shot, though.

If you first open the VS2008 BuildAll project in VS2010, it will moan about many things. The only thing you need to fix is the line
families = System.Drawing.FontFamily.GetFamilies(graphics.gfx);
in XFontFamily.CS, because the GetFamilies method from the System.Drawing.FontFamily namespace is now obsolete.

If you change that into
families = System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families;
the BuildAll project will build like no tomorrow.

Alternatively, there is a compiler option "Treat warnings as errors". Turn that off, and it SHOULD still work (I haven't tried that...).

You can then reference the built project for your other projects.


Author:  Runescope [ Mon Jan 24, 2011 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using PDFSharp with VB.NET 2010

Hmmm, well that didn't work as well as I was hoping lol

When I opened the BuildAll .sln file and started the conversion, it said everything was fine, but it ended up not changing anything as far as I can see. I'm attaching a screenshot of my solution explorer so you can see the result.

File comment: Result of trying to convert PDFSharp VB2008 to VB2010
PDFSharpProblem.jpg [ 53.25 KiB | Viewed 5785 times ]

Author:  peterh [ Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using PDFSharp with VB.NET 2010

You have a PM with my email address. Send me an email and I'll send you a ZIP with my BuildAll solution, converted to VS2010 (with built DLL's and all) Then, let's see where that gets you.


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