PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

PDFSharp PagePreview scrolling/zooming
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Author:  riru [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  PDFSharp PagePreview scrolling/zooming


I wanna implement basic features for scrolling and zooming:
scrolling Y-axe with
* mousewheel
* Arrow-Up/Down keys
* Page-Up/Down keys

scrolling X-axe with
* Arrow-Left/Right keys

zooming with
* mousewheel while Ctrl is pressed
* Arrow-Up/Down while Ctrl is pressed

So the problem is, that the MouseWheel event is not fired. I tried to fire PagePreview.Select when Mouse enters (Control.MouseEnter), but this event as well is only fired, if Mouse moves from bottom in or moves from right side into PagePreview (cause of the scrollbars).

Even PagePreview.PreviewKeyDown or PagePreview.KeyDown is not fired.

how is this ment to be implemented by design?


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