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How to add bullet point
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Author:  max1001 [ Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  How to add bullet point

How do I add a bullet point to a paragraph? An example code will be greatly appreciated. I search for forum for example and came up with none.

Author:  fuzzylintman [ Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to add bullet point

max1001 wrote:
How do I add a bullet point to a paragraph? An example code will be greatly appreciated. I search for forum for example and came up with none.

I'm no expert, so this may not be the only answer, but I have added bullet points as part of the text... For example:

AddParagraph(sec, "• Other Comments", true, ParagraphAlignment.Left, 12);

(Note that the 'AddParagraph' function is a separate method, not a PDFSharp/MigraDoc function, but it's steps are trivial. Also, it appears that the character is mangled by this forum... it really is a bullet. You should be able to insert these characters in your editor if you are using a decent one.)


Author:  fuzzylintman [ Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to add bullet point

max1001 wrote:
How do I add a bullet point to a paragraph? An example code will be greatly appreciated. I search for forum for example and came up with none.

If you are using MigraDoc, I now see you can also do something like:

Paragraph p = sec.AddParagraph();

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to add bullet point

max1001 wrote:
How do I add a bullet point to a paragraph? An example code will be greatly appreciated. I search for forum for example and came up with none.

Here's a sample:
ListInfo listinfo = new ListInfo();
listinfo.ContinuePreviousList = false;//true for following entries
listinfo.ListType = ListType.BulletList1;
Paragraph paragraph = Document.LastSection.AddParagraph(text);
paragraph.Style = "MyListStyle"; // optional
paragraph.Format.ListInfo = listinfo;

This way you get a "real bullet list" if you create an RTF file.
The method described by fuzzylintman works, too.
If you need PDF files, either method can be used.

Author:  TimJohnston [ Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How to add bullet point

Thanks for the sample Thomas, but could you elaborate on how to create multiple bullets in the list?

I would have assumed you could have re-used ListInfo objects, but it appears you have to create a new one for each paragraph/bullet - is that right?

I would have expected some sort of logic like "start list", "add member", "add member", "add member" then "end list". Or use line breaks within a single paragraph to differentiate bulleted items.

Could you post code showing how to create a longer bulleted list using a loop?

Thanks, TJ

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to add bullet point

TimJohnston wrote:
I would have assumed you could have re-used ListInfo objects, but it appears you have to create a new one for each paragraph/bullet - is that right?

MigraDoc manages the list - you mark the paragraphs as list members.

You use
listinfo.ContinuePreviousList = false;

for the first entry in a list and
listinfo.ContinuePreviousList = true;//

for subsequent entries in the same list (makes a big difference for numbered lists).

Here are two helper routines I use:
bool continueList;

protected void DefineList()
  continueList = false;

protected void AddToList(TemplateTable tt, string text)
  ListInfo listinfo = new ListInfo();
  listinfo.ContinuePreviousList = continueList;
  listinfo.ListType = ListType.BulletList1;
  Paragraph paragraph = Document.LastSection.AddParagraph(text);
  paragraph.Style = tt.GetBulletListStyle(Document);
  paragraph.Format.ListInfo = listinfo;
  continueList = true;

TemplateTable provides formatting info and is not relevant here.
DefineList() only sets a member variable so next time a new list will be created.
AddToList() is called for each entry.

Author:  () => true [ Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How to add bullet point

Here's a sample (a few lines added to the HelloWorld sample):
// Add some text to the paragraph
paragraph.AddFormattedText("Hello, World!", TextFormat.Italic);
// Add Bulletlist begin
Style style = document.AddStyle("MyBulletList", "Normal");
style.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent = "0.5cm";
string[] items = "April|May|Summer|Wednesdays".Split('|');
for (int idx = 0; idx < items.Length; ++idx)
  ListInfo listinfo = new ListInfo();
  listinfo.ContinuePreviousList = idx > 0;
  listinfo.ListType = ListType.BulletList1;
  paragraph = section.AddParagraph(items[idx]);
  paragraph.Style = "MyBulletList";
  paragraph.Format.ListInfo = listinfo;
// Add Bulletlist end
return document;

I didn't use the AddToList method to have it all in one place. In a real application I'd use that method (it's a user-defined method, code given above in this thread).

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