PDFsharp & MigraDoc Foundation

Insert table in textframe
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Author:  ncsol [ Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Insert table in textframe

I am rendering using pdfSharp, but creating the document usinf Migra
I cannot seem to get a table into a textframe...

I add a 2 column, 1 row table to a section
in cell 0 I have my logo
in cell 1 I have a textframe like Dim tf As TextFrame = rowTop.Cells(1).AddTextFrame()

i can do a tf.AddParagraph("sometext here")
and it works. it shows the logo in cell 0 and this text in cell 1.

i am trying to emulate a credit card statement (in a way) with the logo on left and a small table next to it with 5 or 6 rows of information in 2 columns

how do I add a table to cell 1? I tried tf.addtable() and that didn't seem to work. I couldn't seem to find any examples of how to accomplish this

I am very new to Migra/Pdf Sharp

Author:  Thomas Hoevel [ Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Insert table in textframe


Maybe you can solve that problem with a single table using MergeDown and/or MergeRight.
That's what I'd try first.

You can reserve one column for the logo and use MergeDown to have that logo span several or all rows of the table.

Author:  ncsol [ Wed Oct 21, 2009 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Insert table in textframe

I used the example in the second link you provided to do what I wanted. It did show how to add a textframe then a table to that textframe. Exactly what I was looking for to build my invoice.

A logo on the left and a small table (6 rows) on the right. A merge wouldn't work in this case (good idea though) as the main table (2 cols, 1 row), holds the logo and second table (inside a textframe). I had some space restrictions to contend with

Now I have a logo and my little table next to the logo.


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