I am having some issues with the pdfsharp graphics.drawimage command.
I have a barcode component that generates a Windows Metafile format image.
I tried using it with PDFSharp and got a "Format not supported" error.
So I added the following lines of code to get around it:
Dim ABCBarcode As New AbcnetLib.Abcnet ABCBarcode.Caption = CStr(mdstPrintDetails.Tables(0).Rows(mintRowPoint).Item("BARCODE1")) ABCBarcode.SerialNo = "6LDR1Q4QVZS2C??" ABCBarcode.CodeType = AbcnetLib.Abcnet.bCode.Code_128 Dim picPicture As New PictureBox picPicture.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom
picPicture.Image = Bitmap.FromStream(ABCBarcode.sBarcode(600, 600, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp, 1))
(ABCBarcode.sBarcode(int hDpi, int vDpi) generates an image scaled to be suitable for printing on a device with horizontal and vertical resolutions of hDpi and vDpi dots per inch respectively. )
This works fine as long as there are not too many pages in the document I am trying to generate. But whenever my document gets above approx 25 pages I start getting some very strange errors e.g. Unspecified GDI+ error or "Parameter is missing"
The exact same code copes with up to 20 pages perfectly (although it is quite slow to run)
Any assistance gratefully accepted!